Butterfly kingdom on display at Alpine Groves Park
Our members have been hard at work! Tess and Robert have diligently been making improvements to the Ruth Harris-Bennett Butterfly Garden by the farmhouse. Come take a stroll through it next time you are in the park – it’s the garden close to the farmhouse by the river. Also check out this recent article by Nick that was published in the Creekline Newspaper!
Restoration/Preservation Update!
St. Johns Co. was awarded a Special Categories Grant and a matching grant for the restoration of the roof, exterior and interior of the Bennett Farmhouse. Watch for work to begin in Summer 2017.
This project will complete the critical restoration of the structure and improve the interior, allowing actual use of the house itself.
The Gardens!
We maintain the Ruth Harris Bennett Butterfly Garden on the riverfront at Alpine Groves Park, the small memorial garden south of the farmhouse, and the small garden off the sidewalk between the parking lot and the fruit packing shed. There are many opportunities to weed, trim and plant. We can always use help maintaining these areas. We also encourage high school students trying to earn volunteer hours to contact us at friendsofalpinepark@gmail.com.
Member News
Beverly Fleming, a founding member of Friends of Alpine Park, and retired St. Johns County Park Naturalist, passed away on May 23, 2016. Beverly spent many years educating schoolchildren and adults about native Florida plants and butterflies. She wrote and published many articles about nature in local newspapers.
Beverly was equally interested in history. Many of you will remember her as Granny B. She loved to dress in turn of the century period costume for her appearances at the annual Alpine Groves Park Bartram Bash and Old Settlers’ Reunion. Until her death, Beverly continued to serve on our Board as History Coordinator.
A Historical Significance Designation!
Alpine Groves Park was designated a St Johns County Historical Landmark by the Board of County Commissioners in February 2015. This 54+ acre park is located on the William Bartram Scenic Highway and fronts the St. Johns River, an American Heritage River. There are three historic structures on the property: The Bennett Farmhouse, the horse barn and the fruit packing shed.
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